Tuesday, January 24, 2017

College = Stress

It's the third week of classes, assignments are starting to pile on and the stress is starting to set in. I'm at the point where I'm trying to get organized and get into a routine for the semester, but each day brings a new challenge in the form of assignments. You accomplish one, only to be assigned another.

I am a "planner." I keep a very organized planner and write down all of my assignments when they are due, along with my daily to-do lists. Even though I have a very expensive iPad and iPhone that go with me just about everywhere, I prefer to keep a physical planner instead of using the calendar and reminder apps. While I am looking forward exploring the technology resources Dr. Clark is exposing us to, I am a bit overwhelmed. For class organization purposes we have the typical BlackBoard page, OneNote, DO, and Remind. At some points I don't which one I should be using.

I absolutely do not feel that the cluster of technology resources is meant to confuse or overwhelm us, but instead to simply experience ourselves with. By the end of the semester we will be equipped with multiple resources. One day (in the hopeful near future) we can choose the resource we feel best fits our own classroom and use them to facilitate student learning (standard 4 of the Professional Teacher Standards).

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Becoming a Kindergartener

I am not surprised that Kindergarteners can use technology better than I can. My niece is 3 years old and loves to play on my iphone. I am excited to learn about and use some of the new technology resources Dr. Clark is exposing us to. I am even more excited to use them in my own classroom one day. One of my favorites so far is Goose Chase. I had so much fun getting out of the classroom, interacting with other students, thinking outside the box, and racing to complete the tasks before the other team. I can't wait to create math scavenger hunts for my future middle schoolers.

Another resource I am looking forward to using is Remind101. I have used this before for other classes and clubs, however I had never thought of using it to keep in contact with parents. This an easy and great way to keep parents informed, as well as remind students about assignments without giving out my personal number.

I am super excited about this semester and all the technology resources I am going to experience and learn to use. We all know becoming an adult is hard, but in EDUC 316 we get to become Kindergarteners!